Categories: Legal Letters

Legal Letter Template

A legal letter template is a document which is used to send to a government authority, an individual or entity, for establishing a relationship on a contract. It is based on specific points of view, rules and regulations, or information shared between both parties or any common information they have. It is a letter which is usually written on paper, folded, and sealed, then sent by one person to another; but with developments in technology, a legal letter can also be sent through e-mail.

Why do We Write a Legal Letter?

There are many purposes for writing a legal letter. Few of them are such as if there is any dispute between two parties, to resolve that matter, a legal letter can be written; it is also used to play a role in any negotiations regarding contracts and other legal matters. A legal letter is also used when you want to make an official record of your communication with any business partner and to extend the framework of any agreement that is going on. The legal letter template is used by legal consultants and lawyers to write and send to their clients. Writing a legal letter with a professional approach is inevitable, as it can be presented in any court of law or can be challenged at any level. Similarly, the format which is required to prepare a legal letter should also be very competitive and professional.

Who to Write a Legal Letter?

There is no uniform format that we use to write a legal letter, but to impress the reader and achieve your goal, which might be to request for something or offer something. We need to keep a few things in mind. Follow the steps given below to write a good legal letter:

1- Professional Tone: You should keep your tone formal and as professional as possible. You should use words which will show that you are aware of what you are saying.

2- Greetings: It will be good for your letter if you know whom you are sending the letter to. It will then be visible to them that you have done your research. You should greet them and then introduce yourself, such as your name, contact details so that they can reach you if they have any more questions.

3- Purpose: It is to keep in mind that a legal letter can’t be too long; therefore, you should mention it clearly and let them know what the letter is about and what your point is. State your concerns, ask them very clearly and let them know that you are ready for a discussion with the other party.

4- Keep Proof: If you are sending a letter through mail, then you should keep a copy of your letter with yourself, and if through email, then make sure that it is certified. In this way, it will prove that you communicated with the recipient on time.

Types of a Legal Letter

Few of the most used types of legal letter are:

1- Opinion Letter: this legal letter is used by experts in a particular field to share their opinion and advice related to any issue at hand.

2- Petition letter: this letter is used to request the government authority or entity to change their position or opinion. This letter is usually used to send when you want someone to reconsider their political stance.

3- Commitment letter: In this letter we express our willingness to complete our duty under any agreement that we have already made or to show that we are ready to sign any new agreement.

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